T-REX 8.1 General Availability

Dino-Software is pleased to announce T-REX 7.5, the premier ICF catalog management and recovery tool ensuring online availability, is now available for general distribution. Continuing Dino’s tradition, T-REX 7.5 provides day-one support for the new z/OS 2.5 release and also includes many user requested enhancements.

RTD Version 8.8.0

New features in RTD/zOS V870E include – Support for XRC/RP (Extended Remote Copy/Global Mirror Remote Pair FlashCopy). The COMBINE function has been enhanced to allow „combine-in-place“ for any number of contiguous but separate extents. The method used to perform serialization of VSAM datasets has been completely rewritten

Neuer Lieferant: Technical Storage

Technical Storage gehört in seinem Heimatmarkt Frankreich unbestritten zu den fundiertesten Spezialisten im Bereich z/OS Storage Performance Management. Ihr Kernprodukt EADM weist dabei vollautomatisiert nicht nur auf sich abzeichnende Engpässe hin, sondern gibt K_-basierte Handlöungsempfehlungen, wie diese Probeleme behoben werden können.